LS-9801 是一个三合一传感器,可以实现ALS IR PS测量,可以为手机平板等产品提供环境光亮度数据和物体接近检测。可以为不同应用场景提供测量数据。
LS-9801 是一个三合一传感器,可以实现ALS IR PS测量,可以为手机平板等产品提供环境光亮度数据和物体接近检测。可以为不同应用场景提供测量数据。
The LS-9801 is a Digital light sensor (DLS) which integrated ALS, proximity detection and IR_LED in an optical module.
The LS-9801Digital light sensor (DLS) consists of an array of photodiode and two wide-dynamic range channels for ambient light and
infrared light sensing (LS).
The LS-9801 also include additional photodiodes and theirs readout channel, and a factory calibrated IR LED Driver for proximity detection
sensing (PS).
Both the ALS and PS function independently and with a 16 bit convert result.